City Mayor

Hollie Steil

Current Term 2022-2023

First of all, I would like to say what an honor it is to be elected as your Mayor. My focus is to enthusiastically and sincerely serve the community I live in, and most importantly, the one I am proud to call home.  Your City Council, Citizen Committees, City Employees, and Organizations are working hard together to fulfill Sky Valley’s mission to develop and follow a vibrant plan for our city’s future. We encourage all our citizens to participate in self-governance and share their ideas with your Council, Citizen Committees, and Organizations. Your city government works hard to serve you in an efficient, timely, and professional manner.
I invite you to contact me at any time with your suggestions and comments about our city and your government.
These are exciting times in Sky Valley.

Hollie Steil, Mayor

State of the City Presentations

Contact Information

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