Outdoor Grilling
It is the specific intent of the City of Sky Valley that outdoor burning as used in this ordinance does not include burning charcoal, wood, gas, or other products associated with the outdoor grilling of food.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary any outdoor burning in Sky Valley is subject to the following criteria:
A. Except as otherwise provided no one shall burn trees, trash, debris or any other material or permit others to burn trees, trash, debris or any other material on his or her property.
B. Any person desiring to burn as described herein within the corporate limits of the City of Sky Valley must notify the City of Sky Valley for registration of the time, location and date of the burning. Upon submission of the Georgia Forestry Commission permit, the City of Sky Valley will give to the registrant a copy of the City’s “burning ordinance”.
C. Construction materials or garbage may not be burned at any time. All such debris shall be removed by the owner or contractor responsible for the construction.
D. No toxic materials, chemicals, tires, plastic, or similar materials may be burned at any time.
E. All fires shall be of such size and intensity that they can be controlled safely by the owner of the property or his or her employee or agent. The owner, employee or agent shall be responsible for such control and for any damages to the property of others by reason of his or her failure to control the burn. All fires shall be attended and supervised at all times, and a pressurized water hose of sufficient length shall be on hand at the burn site and immediately available for use if necessary.
F. No outdoor burning is permitted over the weekend (from 4:00 P.M. on Friday until 8:00 A.M. on Monday).
G. Burning will only be issued during specified two week periods each month. The decision to specify a week to authorize outdoor burning during any given month will be made weekly depending upon weather conditions by the City of Sky Valley.
H. All outdoor burning must be done between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.
I. The responsible person may not leave the burn pile without obtaining confirmation from the Police Department of Sky Valley that the fire has been properly extinguished. Requests to the Sky Valley Police Department to confirm proper extinguishment must be made before four (4) o’clock P.M. on the date of burning.