Building & Code Enforcement

Normal Office  Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 AM – 4 PM

Should one of those days fall on a holiday, building inspections/code
enforcement will be available will be the next business day.

Jim Pyburn, Building Inspector
3444 Highway 246
Sky Valley, GA 30537
Phone (706) 746-2204
Fax (706) 746-5893
Building Permits
Tree Cutting Permits
Sign Permits
Burn Permits

The  purpose of this department is to  perform inspections of residential/commercial buildings and related  systems and to ensure compliance with applicable building codes, land  development codes, zoning regulations and other codes and ordinances of the City of Sky Valley.

It is the responsibility of this department to  Interpret, apply, and enforce the provisions of standard building  codes, electrical codes, plumbing codes, mechanical codes, fire prevention codes, life/safety codes, energy codes, handicapped  accessibility codes, and other applicable federal, state and local  codes, laws, rules, regulations, specifications, standards, policies  and procedures; researches code-related issues in code books as needed;  initiates any actions necessary to correct deviations or violations.

This  department reviews building plans, preliminary plats, erosion and sedimentation control plans, site plans, plan revisions, specifications, previous  inspection records, or other documents in association with inspection  activities.  Reviews and issues tree cutting permits; ensures compliance  with the City’s tree cutting ordinance, zoning ordinance, sign ordinance, and other nuisance abatement type activities; issues tickets  when appropriate; and directs and oversees all related court cases through the Municipal Court system. Conducts site inspections of residential/commercial buildings (including construction work, remodeling work, building systems, and premises) for compliance with applicable codes, specifications, and approved construction plans; inspects construction alteration, demolition, use, and occupancy of buildings and premises to verify structural strength, stability, sanitation, adequate lighting, ventilation, and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards; inspects mechanical, plumbing, gas, electrical,  roofing, fire alarm, and related building systems; inspects  foundations, slabs, footing, and framing; inspects construction methods  and materials; verifies contractor licensure and proper permitting of construction work; inspects existing buildings for improper use.

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